Movement Snack: Energizing Snack

March 17, 2022 | Written by Leticia Padmasri

This month we will give our body an energizing snack

It is time to lighten up so we can stay inspired and revitalized during the springtime!

As soon as temperatures begin to rise, our physiological pattern shifts from building (fall and early winter) to releasing (late winter and spring). You see… our bodies naturally begin to lighten things up, purify ourselves of any accumulated imbalances, and rejuvenate our deepest tissues.

Some of the ways to apply Ayurveda’s wisdom to support this process are: 

  • Reduce the intake of cold, heavy, and oily foods 

  • Have this energizing snack to release sluggishness, stagnation, and heaviness.

Watch the video below to start snacking on some energizing movement!

Until next time… keep moving!


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