Traveling Better in the Holiday Season with Ayurveda

Oct 31, 2021 | Written by Leticia Padmasri


It is hard to believe that it is already the end of October! The holiday season is just around the corner. Sometimes it feels like it starts on Halloween! I feel it is already here for me since I am in Brazil visiting my family and celebrating my 40th birthday! Most of us travel a lot during this time of the year and inevitably feel imbalanced afterwards. It is hard to stay balanced on the road. Our daily routine is disrupted, our digestion is challenged, and our internal clocks are thrown off — particularly when we move across time zones.

From the Ayurvedic perspective, travelling, especially flying, increases the Vata dosha — the energy governing all movement in the body-mind. The more we move around, the more Vata qualities we bring in. After trips, we often feel the symptoms of increased air and ether in our body and mind such as poor digestion, bloating, constipation, disturbed sleep, scattered thinking, spaciness, and anxiety (the common travel woes). 

As I travel long distances at least once a year and take several short trips throughout, I always use a few very effective Ayurvedic practices that help mitigate the effects of travel.  During this trip to Brazil I am feeling especially grateful to Ayurveda because it is a very short trip to a very distant place. Before I had Ayurveda in my life, I probably would start feeling good and adjusted just about when it is time to return!

Ayurveda teaches us how to live life to our highest potential by showing us ways to adjust, adapt, and accommodate our lifestyle according to each circumstance. Every travel situation is unique, so considering the whole picture, your constitution, and any current imbalances will bring you the best results. But these tips will get you started in the right direction 


Avoid cold and raw foods which will just bring in more Vata qualities to your system. I also usually carry my own food, never eating airplane meals. This helps me to stay away from high sodium and sugary snacks and ensures I get the nutrients I need.

Warmth and Moisture

Carry or wear layers to keep the body warm or cool as per your surroundings. I always take a scarf with me in the airplane to put over my nose to protect the sensitive nasal passages from the extremely dry air in the cabin of the airplane. I also take nasya oil and place a few drops in each nostril to keep the sensitive lining inside our nose from drying.

Daily Rituals

Do your best to maintain some semblance of your morning and evening rituals before and during travel. This supports our internal circadian rhythms, helping us to recover faster from jet lag and to feel nourished, rested, and aligned throughout the journey. If you don’t have dinacharya established yet read this article and consider implementing it in your life!

Hot Water

When on the road, avoid cold, sugary, and caffeinated drinks. I bring with me a thermos and fill it up with hot water, sipping on it throughout the trip. It will keep you hydrated and prevent constipation and gas.

Ginger Tea

You can bring your ginger teabags and enjoy a hot teacup during your journey. I take with me slices of fresh ginger root as I prefer these over the teabags. Then I add it to hot water when I am ready for some tea. Ginger keeps our digestive fire healthy and reduces gas.

A Natural Sedative

Nutmeg is a wonderful spice for insomnia and jet lag. For the first days of your journey away from home, have a pinch of nutmeg in warm water or milk before bed.

Happy balanced travels to you!



Gratitude on the Mat


Navigating the Fall Season with Ayurveda