Ground and Calm Vata Dosha with This Chutney Recipe

Oct 14, 2021 | Written by Leticia Padmasri

The dominant elements of the fall season are air and ether, which makes this the Vata season of the year according to Ayurveda. Inherent in these elements are the qualities of dry, cold, light, mobile, and rough. 

We experience these qualities in nature, with the wind picking up, the leaves changing, and the air becoming drier. Since we are part of nature, these qualities will tend to increase inside of us as well. This environmental transformation impacts the mind and body and if we watch them closely, we can make adjustments that will support our wellbeing during this season and into the winter.

An obvious change as the temperature drops is that our bodies naturally seek grounding and nourishing foods to counter the qualities prevailing in the environment. This helps us settle down for the long winter ahead. Our appetite gravitates towards heartier foods which support the insulation of our skin and storage of energy...all preparing us to stay warm over the winter.

To support a sense of stability and to nourish you during this season and into the winter, here is my sweet chutney recipe. It has the ingredients to ground and calm Vata energy in our body and mind.

Dates and raisins have the sweet taste which is nourishing, grounding and helps build strength. The spices are warm and pungent which ignite the digestive fire, increasing our power to digest the heavier foods of this season. Lemon is sour which stimulates the digestive juices and keeps the palate moist and digestion strong. Nutmeg is a remedy for insomnia. Its heavy quality grounds the mobile trait of Vata that can lead to restless sleep.

Sweet Chutney Recipe


6 dates, pitted and pre-soaked in filtered water

½ cup raisins, pre-soaked in filtered water

2 tsp fresh ginger, peeled and minced

1 ½ tsp cumin seeds

1 ½ tsp fennel seeds

½ teaspoon ground cardamom

½ teaspoon grated nutmeg

Pinch mineral salt

4-6 tablespoon water

Juice of 1 lemon


  1. Soak the raisins and dates for 20 minutes.

  2. Dry roast the seeds and grind them.

  3. Drain the water from the raisins and dates.

  4. Combine all ingredients in a blender or food processor to form a coarse paste, a jam-like texture.

  5. You can add more water to adjust the consistency. 

  6. Transfer the chutney to a glass airtight container.  It can be stored in the refrigerator for about 2 weeks.

This chutney is my favorite companion for my fall kitchari. You can also use it as a delicious spread for your toast. Yum!

Bom apetite!


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