Rose - The Blissful One

August 11, 2022 | Written by Leticia Padmasri

Rose petals’ rich aroma and soothing energy have been promoting vitality and inspiring and healing many for thousands of years.

Now I invite you to stop and smell the roses!

Have you done this lately? Literally and figuratively?

This saying is a reminder for us to slow down! We can easily be in  “go mode” in this fast-paced world and miss the beauty of life unfolding under our noses! This is also a great reminder that we should strive to look at the brighter side of things.

In Pema Chodron’s book, “Wisdom of No Escape”, she tells us about this woman who was running from tigers and yet she even stopped to eat some strawberries! So let us all remember to smell the roses and eat the strawberries we may discover in our lives.

Shatapatri, rose’s Sanskrit name, has all the qualities to support us in this process of slowing down and opening the heart to the goodness of life.

Rose & Ayurveda

Ayurvedic healers utilize rose petals in herbal formulas, teas, oils, and skincare preparations to balance the five elements and slow down aging. 

The energetics of rose will guide us in understanding its benefits and actions for each dosha. The rasa (taste) of rose is bitter, pungent, and astringent. Its vipaka (post digestive effect) is sweet. Its virya (thermal action) is cooling. 

Based on these qualities, rose is balancing to all three doshas- vata, pitta and kapha.

  • The sweet effect calms vata dosha, reducing feelings of nervousness, anxiety, and worry.

  • The bitterness and pungency support kapha’s slow digestion.

  • And all the qualities of rose are the perfect ally to remedy the fiery nature of pitta. That’s why rose is a wonderful addition to your diet and routine during the summertime (the pitta season of the year) and for people predominant in pitta dosha or experiencing a pitta imbalance.

***If you are experiencing excess of kapha dosha, use it with precaution. Its sweet and cooling effect will not help balance an already aggravated kapha dosha..

Rose is recommended for many conditions in the Ayurvedic tradition.

Here are the potential health benefits for adding rose to our daily life:

  • Reduces inflammatory conditions of the skin.

  • Reduces excess heat in the eyes.

  • Promotes restful and peaceful sleep

  • Soothes the heart and balances the mind.

  • Increases patience and compassion.

  • Neutralizes excessive heat and acidity in the gastrointestinal tract.

  • Enhances absorption of nutrients.

  • Alleviates excessive menstrual bleeding and vaginal infections.

  • Alleviates PMS symptoms such as irritability and hot flushes.

  • Enhances sexual desire and fertility.

So, how can you get more rose in your diet and routine? 

There are abundant ways to incorporate rose into your diet and daily routine.

Rose Tea:

in a small pot, add 1 tsp. of dried rose petals (in the summertime, you could also add mint, creating a wonderful cooling bend) and 1 cup of filtered water. Bring the water to a simmer and turn off the heat, stirring briefly to saturate the petals. Cover and let it steep for 15 minutes. Strain and enjoy the calming and heart-opening energetics of rose with each sip. 

Ayurvedic Rice Pudding

Baking & Cooking:

- rose petals are one of the ingredients in my summer spice mix. It is a wonderful cooling mix of fennel, coriander, turmeric, mint, and rose petals that will reduce excessive heat in the stomach, liver and colon without affecting agni (digestive fire). It goes so well with summer veggies and grains. I also love the addition of rose petals in my kheer (rice pudding), cookies, and muffins.

Rose water:

- prepare the rose tea as directed above. Place it in an airtight jar inside of the refrigerator to chill just a bit. Avoid drinking it cold because it will weaken your agni. When ready to drink, remove the jar from the fridge and sip this cooling tonic slowly. 

Rose mist:

- you can also use the rose water to mist your face and body on hot, summer days or when feeling fiery! In addition to soothing and calming pitta dosha, a protective barrier is created when you spray rose water onto your face. This floral barrier then reduces water loss from the skin keeping it hydrated and replenishing dry and/or aging skin.

***Just make sure to always buy organic food-grade rose petals and products. Toxins from pesticides can cause inflammation in the body.***

How will you welcome rose into your life?

Try it and share it with me! I would love to hear about your experience.


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